Product Retailers Directory
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What began a decade ago as a single, revolutionary product that pioneered a new category in the beauty industry, has grown into a full line of hair and body products, all infused with nourishing antioxidant-rich argan oil, signature to the brand. Dedicated to providing the highest quality hair and body products, Moroccanoil has grown into an iconic beauty brand.
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Weave:it creates complex hair patterns in half the time, providing intricate detail faster than other weave tools. Explore endless possibilities from sophisticated to casual. No matter the style, your result is guaranteed to be eye-catching. Leave others wondering where to get that look! The “no memory” silicone allows the loop to be kink-free, and easily slide through hair without any grip. Available in three different packages; weave:it Duo, weave:it long and weave:it short. The tool is UK Manufactured, Hand-polished stainless steel: high-quality material that can be easily disinfected. It’s very easy to use and all purchases come with a fabric carrying case.
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